For many of us, our quest is to not have a repeat of the evils of the past. Yet, today, we see remnants of those evils creeping up on us.
Rhetoric mouthed by individuals, like former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, has empowered racist groups and individuals to be more open about their prejudice and more brazen about how they communicate this prejudice in public forums, such as the white supremacist website, Stormfront.
Violence stemming from the various 'White Power' movements has been on the rise. Targeting religious institutions, members of different faiths have suffered multiple casualties and have been confronted with the need of providing more security for their congregants.
It is unrealistic to think we can live in a world without hate. However, in order to keep from repeating the evils of the past, we must confront bigotry at every turn.
An important part of fighting bigotry is making sure that we do not repeat the evils of the past.
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