Then-Wife of Then-CAIR Leader Hassan Shibly Claims Abuse
Palm Beach School Board Members Told to Return Awards Tainted by Terror & Bigotry
Darul Uloom Imam Laments Existence of Gay Muslims, Says He was Thrown Off County Boards
AMP Executive Director Osama Abuirshaid Threatens #Israel with Violence
Pro #Hamas Rally Organized by Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout
#CAIR Sponsored #AntiIsrael Protest Calls for Death to #Israel
Imtiaz Mohammad: #America Run on #Hate, Americans Are Most Uneducated Nation in World
#Tampa #PalestinianIslamicJihad School Gala & AYA 'Useful Idiots'
#CAIR Operative Hassan Shibly to #Israeli #Jews: Go Back to #Europe
Announcement: March 19 #Protest Against #Muslim Federation and #AntiSemite Khalid Grigg