The Joe Kaufman Security Initiative (JKSI) was founded originally as Americans Against Hate, in August 1998. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.
Our mission is to help people's lives and preserve American freedom by educating the public on matters concerning national security, including the fight against terrorism and bigotry. We do this in large part by giving lectures, initiating projects and action tasks, creating and participating in conferences, holding rallies and meetings, and writing articles and letters to the editor.
We have held different conferences, including those related to counter-terrorism and support for Israel. Speakers at our events have included former Lieutenant Colonel and U.S. Congressman Allen West, best-selling author and former federal prosecutor for the U.S. Justice Department John Loftus, former Chief of the National Security Section of ICE Bill West, and former IDF artillery officer and co-founder of the Daniel Cantor Wultz Foundation, Tuly Wultz.
Time and time again, we have stood shoulder to shoulder with community leaders to speak out against various injustices that have taken place. As an example, in December 2008, we joined forces with hundreds of our friends in the Hindu, Christian and Jewish communities to speak out against those who perpetrated the massacre which took place in Mumbai, India.
The Chairman and CEO of the JKSI is Joe Kaufman. Joe is an expert in the fields of national security, counter-terrorism and foreign affairs. He has been featured on all major cable networks, including Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and C-SPAN. Kaufman has served as a consultant to different government agencies, and he has been instrumental in getting U.S.-based terrorist charities shut down and terror-related individuals put behind bars.
Exactly one month prior to the September 11 attacks, Kaufman predicted the attacks by stating that the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was not an aberration and that it would happen again.
Our mission is to help people's lives and preserve American freedom.
The JOE KAUFMAN SECURITY INITIATIVE is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your support and tax deductible contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions for our community and nation. Your generous donations will help fund our mission and are always appreciated.
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